Introducing FanPass: A Revolution in Fan Engagement

Hibiki Run
3 min readOct 29, 2023


FanPass is not just an asset; it’s a revolution in how fans connect with their favorite creators. It transforms the traditional fan experience into something more tangible, more interactive, and way more exciting.

In this medium article, we’ll dive into what FanPass is, how it works, and the incredible benefits it brings to both fans and creators.

1. What is FanPass?

FanPass is a groundbreaking asset class that grants holders exclusive rights to a creator’s content and perks. Imagine having a backstage pass that never expires and keeps on giving — that’s FanPass for you. It covers everything from exclusive headphones skins and playlists to real-life goodies and access to special chat rooms. And the best part? It’s all tradable on the marketplace, giving fans the flexibility they’ve never had before.

2. How It Works: A Step-by-Step Approach

Phase 1: Introducing FanPass

Welcome to the initial stage of our exciting journey with FanPass! We’re kicking things off by revamping and upgrading previously released themed headphones skins, specially crafted by the famous Japanese artist, sanzen-sekai. These aren’t just your ordinary skins; they’ve been transformed into essential components of your FanPass, offering both aesthetic pleasure and unique functionality.

  • Fan Pass Air Drop
  • Unique Headphones Skins
  • Exclusive Playlist Access

Phase 2: Fan Pass Primary Sale & Expansion

Inclusivity is the name of the game in our second phase! We’re not just stopping at sanzen-sekai themed skins; we’re expanding our range to include various other headphone skins, transforming them into corresponding components of your FanPass. (Please note: Certain skins, such as those themed after Audius, are excluded from this upgrade.)

  • Fan Pass Primary Sale
  • Onboard More Artists

Phase 3: Fan Pass Secondary Sale & More Perks

The fun doesn’t stop here! We’re dedicated to continually enhancing your FanPass experience. In the future, we’ll be enabling secondary sale for FanPasses, along with a variety of additional perks and features.

  • Fan Pass Secondary Sale
  • Additional Fan Pass Perks

We appreciate the community’s feedback on our initial rollout of FanPass. Your insights are invaluable, and we’re committed to making continuous improvements.

Ready to dive into the world of FanPass? Stay tuned for updates, and get ready to experience your favorite creators like never before.

Don’t just be a fan; be a part of the revolution.



Hibiki Run

Music discovery made fun. A play-to-collect harmony game for creating Hibiki between creators and collectors.